
“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”

Albert Einstein

Children are natural explorers and play is their work as they seek out new knowledge while making brilliant discoveries. In a creative, stimulating atmosphere, children will become aware of the exciting world around them. If they are given a chance to learn through their own experience, these discoveries have real meaning for them. At The Village Nursery School, we try to provide such an atmosphere by setting various centers of interest where children can learn skills and socialization through play. Such areas include blocks, books, play-kitchen facilities, tool bench, dress-up clothes, puzzles, painting station, tactile table, games, and toys.

All of our classes focus on color and shape recognition. The fours are further encouraged to recognize their own name, numbers, patterns, and the alphabet (both phonetically and by letter). The four year old classes incorporate the ‘Handwriting without Tears’ curriculum for learning letter and number formation and vocabulary in an engaging and developmentally appropriate fashion.

Trips to nearby places also help to enrich learning experiences. The four-year- olds visit a local farm for pumpkin picking in the fall and the Storm King Fire House during Fire Prevention Week. They also enjoy trips to our nearby post office, a local dentist, and the Cornwall Public Library. In addition, they visit the Hudson Highlands Nature Museum to learn about and touch various small animals. The three-year-olds are visited by community helpers such as a police officer, firefighter, and dentist.

fours painting up to their artwork

Music is an important art to preschoolers. We incorporate rhythm bands, musical games, and exercise to music in their program. We encourage the children to “sing out.” The teachers help the children present a “program” for their families in December, before the holiday season, and in June, just prior to the end of the school year.

Through art work, we encourage the children to be creative and “do their own thing.” Many media are explored, and the children are taught basic cutting, pasting, painting, and modeling skills. The four year old classes study a ‘Great Master’ each month which furthers their artistic observations and experiences.

Perhaps the most important feature at The Village Nursery School is learning to live happily and thoughtfully with others. We try our best to promote good manners and consideration. Respect for adults and friends, learning to care for themselves, listening to instructions and directions, neatness, and learning about being part of a ‘community’ is strongly emphasized.

With Gratitude;
Jennifer Willms

Jennifer Willms (Fours), Ms. Allison (Threes)
Ms. Deb, Ms. Robin